Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lars and the Real Girl (2007)

When I begun to watch this movie, I didn't really have very high expectations. Imagine my surprise then when I found myself absolutely loving this film. The premise itself is a strange one as it deals with this guy named Lars who lives quite a lonely existence and has a social life equivalent to zero as he distances himself from others. He shudders at the thought of being loved by others as he fears affection. One day, he goes over to his brother's house, Gus (Paul Schneider) to introduce a woman he met. Initially Gus and his wife Karin (Emily Mortimer) were happy that Lars has finally found love. Imagine their surprise when they find that the woman is actually a sex doll Lars names Bianca.

The family doctor and phycologist, Dagmar(Patricia Clarkson) theorises that Lars is experiencing a delusional state of mind. Therefore, she concludes that the best way to get Lars out of his current state would be to threat Bianca as a real person. And so begins the awkward phase as the whole community has to play along to Lars delusion. In the very least, Ryan Gosling gives an absolutely brilliant performance as Lars. Gosling really made his role believable as a delusional lonely man who is truly in love with his Bianca. For those female readers out there, I'm sure you'll recognise Gosling from the Notebook. The reactions towards Bianca in the early stages had me laughing as the towns people as well as Lars brother could not comprehend why Lars was how he was. They taught he was going insane. Later on, there is a slight transition as the people begun to threat Bianca as a real person, electing her onto the scholl committee and also having her volunteer ast the hospital.

It was sad watching Lars react in his delusional state but also heartwarming as we witness his sincere tender love to Bianca. The relationship between Lars and Gus is explored and so was Lars past and his mothers death providing the reason behind Lars behaviour. The ending was absolutely perfect. All in all, the film was one emotionally funny enjoyable ride. It was a film to watch on a lazy afternoon. One more note to point though, I found myself attracted to Emily Mortimer. I simply have no fucking clue why. She was just the kind of girl that I would want. She has that look. Can't explain.

Theres just something about her

I give it an 8/10

Positives: Great acting (especially Ryan Gosling), Great ending, Emily Mortimer, Great film for a lazy afternoon, Simple yet effective

Negatives: Mediocre character development for minor characters, Too slow at some points

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