Saturday, July 25, 2009

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

If your about to die and have one film to pick before death molests you with his icy hand, that movie will be Reservoir Dogs. The masterpiece by directing maestro Quentin Tarantino, Reservoir Dogs is the greatest of the greatest according to me. And according to me, you will fucking watch the movie!

Five professional robbers, Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Pink, Mr. Orange, Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown along with criminal mastermind Joe Cabot and son "Nice Guy" Eddie attempt a jewelry heist. The cast is introduced in one of the coolest openings ever walking in slow motion to George Baker's Little Green Bag (view video above). The movie starts off with the cast moving in towards the jewelry heist but soon cuts off to what happened after the heist with a bleeding Mr. Orange. The plot then flows into a new level with the audience guessing what went wrong during the heist and the inclusion of a traitor among the mix. During the film, the plot goes back to the past way before the heist to build up Mr. White's, Mr. Blonde's and Mr. Orange's backstory and relationship with Joe Cabot.

Mr. Blonde (to the left) is hands down one of the coolest badass psychotic motherfuckers to ever appear in a film. Michael Madsen plays it like an ace, projecting a character with a cool demeanour on the outside hiding an out of control monster on the inside. You can't help but love what he does. Favourite Mr. Blonde quotes:

'Listen kid, I'm not gonna bullshit you, all right? I don't give a good fuck what you know, or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's amusing, to me, to torture a cop. You can say anything you want cause I've heard it all before. All you can do is pray for a quick death, which you ain't gonna get.'

Fucking hell, thats some fucking cold shit. Witness his eternal glory in the form of a video! Nothing gets better than this shit. Note: Steeler Wheeler's Stuck in the Middle of You plays in the background.

Inspired by Sergio Leone (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly), Quentin Tarantino has a hand in controlling the camera. The camera work in Reservoir Dogs is fine stuff (better than Micahel Mann's anyway) giving the actors space to give their best and ensuring that the camera angles compliment the flow of the film.

This would be the trunk shot from the car created by Quentin Tarantino and first featured in Reservoir Dogs. In this pic, Mr. Blonde is showing to Mr. White (second from left) and Mr. Pink (first from left) the policeman he bagged for interrogation. If you have watched the previous video you might know what happened to the cop who suffered at the hands of Mr. Blonde.

Talking about the music score, Tarantino compiled songs mostly from the 70's and damn are they good. Joe Tex, Harry Knilson, Steeler Wheeler and George Baker decorate the films estutite violence. Quentin Tarantino has really good taste in music and one of the reasons he was chosen as a guest judge in American Idol. Sadly, a lot of people remember him only for that. Fuckers.

The only flaw in this movie is that it was too short. 99 minutes of absolute genius ending with a spectacular Mexican Standoff, a clear inspiration taken from the books of Sergio Leone. To end this recommendation post let me present to you one of the best scenes in the movie; The Commode Story with Mr. Orange. Spoiler may be present.

Songs to savour:
  1. Joe Tex - I Gotcha
  2. Steeler Wheeler - Stuck in the Middle of You
  3. George Baker - Little Green Bag
  4. Harry Knilson - Coconut
The next Quentin Tarantino movie to be recommended would be Pulp Fiction but before that prepare for a review on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Pince followed by a recommendation post of Guy Ritchie's Snatch

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